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Toast Manual

Toast is a Rack application that hooks into Ruby on Rails. It exposes ActiveRecord models as a web service (REST API).

Version 1.0.*

Table of Contents - Directives

Directive: ‘allow’

allow do |auth, request_model, uri_params|
  # make decision whether to authorize or not

, where auth is an Object that holds authentication information, request_model is the base model requested (e.g. GET /people/72 = Person.find(72)) and uri_params is the Hash of URI parameters if the request URI.

All requests that are routed through Toast require an allow block that authorizes the requested operation. There is no default.

allow must appear under following directives:

Authentication is done by Toast via the authenticate block in the global configuration file.

Any result object of the authenticate block is passed to Toast’s authorization process, that calls the appropriate allow block for the respective URI.


Often the authentication object is the identified user model. How to identify the user is up to you (maybe by OAuth, OpenID, login/password DB lookup, LDAP, …)

toast_settings {
  authenticate do |request|
    ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.authenticate(request) do |login,password|
      user = User.find_by_login login

The allow block could be like this to athorize the user to update an Article that was authored by the same user.

expose(Article) {
  # ...
  via_patch {
    allow do |user, article, uri_params| == user