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Toast Manual

Toast is a Rack application that hooks into Ruby on Rails. It exposes ActiveRecord models as a web service (REST API).

Version 1.0.*

Table of Contents - Directives

Directive ‘association’

association({ASSOC}) { ... }

Declares that an association of the model is to be exposed. {ASSOC} is the name of an association of the has_one, has_many, belongs_to or a has_and_belongs_to_many type.

Associations are exposed by their URI, which has the form:

https://{HOST}/{PATH}/{RESOURCE}/{ID}/{ASSOC}?{PARAMS}, where

Within the block it must be declared which methods the exposed URI accepts. This is done by the directives which have further sub-directives for permissions and custom handlers:

Note that the HTTP methods PATCH and DELETE are not possbile for association URIs. These are used for canonical URLs of model instances only.

Plural Associations

For plural associaitons (has_many, has_and_belongs_to_many) the methods GET, POST, LINK and UNLINK are available. A GET response carries always a JSON Array of Objects representing model instances. POST will create a new resource/model instance and associates it with the base resource/model. LINK and UNLINK will associate or disassociate roesources/models. See the via_* directive pages for mote details.


Plural associations are always delivered partially. If not requested otherwise the items 0 to max_window - 1 (default is defined in the global configuration file) are delivered. To request other ranges the HTTP header Range should be used. More on the max_window page.

Singular Associations

On singluar associaitons (has_one, belongs_to) the methods GET, LINK, UNLINK are available. A GET response will deliver the JSON representation of a model instance, LINK/UNLINK associate other resources or remove the association.

Singular associated resources/models cannot be updated via their association URIs to avoid ambiguities. Use the canonical URL of the recource (self property) to use with PATCH.


expose(Person) {
  readables :first_name
  association(:friends) {
    via_get {
      allow do |*args|
        true # allow for all

would yield a JSON representation:

    "self"      : "",
    "first_name": "Jason",
    "friends"   : ""

The HTTP API provides read access to a collection of “friend” records, which are delivered as a JSON array:


	"self"      : "",
	"first_name": "John",
	"friends"   : ""
	"self"      : "",
	"first_name": "Jakob",
	"friends"   : ""