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Toast Manual

Toast is a Rack application that hooks into Ruby on Rails. It exposes ActiveRecord models as a web service (REST API).

Version 1.0.*

Table of Contents - Directives

Windowing (Pagination)

Responses containing arrays of resources are delivered partially (a.k.a paging). The HTTP headers Range (request) and Content-Range (response) are uitilized for windowing.

Range: items={FROM}-{TO},

where {FROM} is the position of the first and {TO} of the last item requested. Counting starts at 0. {TO} is optional, indicating a request from {FROM} to the last item.

The response of a windowed collection/association contains a Content-Range header:

Content-Range: items={FROM}-{TO}/{SIZE},

where {FROM} and {TO} are defined as above, except that both are always present. {SIZE} indicates the total number of items.

Windowing is applied to the relation or scope that is to be executed after any custom handler was applied. E.g. if a custom handler filters the results by adding where or order-clauses the window is applied together with the filter and/or ordering.

All collections and plural associations have a maximum window size defined in the global configuration file using the max_window directive, which defaults to 42 if missing. It is possible to define the maximum window size for each collection/association indivdually using the same directive in the collection/association configuration.