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Toast Manual

Toast is a Rack application that hooks into Ruby on Rails. It exposes ActiveRecord models as a web service (REST API).

Version 1.0.*

Table of Contents - Directives

Directive ‘writables’

writables {ATTRIBUTE},{ATTRIBUTE},...

declares which attributes of the model are to be exposed by the JSON representation and updatable by PATCH requests. All listed attributes (by Symbol) are expected to be attributes or instance methods of the model class, that are called when the representation is built or when attributes are to be updated.

The returned value must at least respond to #to_json. For virtual attributes a setter must be defined in the model’s class.

The via_patch and allow directives are also required to route and authorize PATCH requests to canonical URIs of resources/model-instances.


expose(Person) {
  writables :first_name, :last_name, :phone
  via_patch {
    allow do |*args|

PATCH {"first_name": "George"}

would update the record and respond with:

    "self"      : "",
    "first_name": "Jason",
    "last_name" : "George",
    "phone"     : "082-0193878560"